Na enig overleg tussen onze boekbanddeskundige Rens Top en mij is gekozen voor een boekbinder die zijn sporen verdiend heeft met ongebruikelijke en vernieuwende oplossingen: Cor Aerssens (geboren 1949). Hij maakt vaak dozen of constructies die tegelijk dienst doen als boekband én als boekensteun of lessenaar. Nadat de KB het contact tussen boekbinder en Grolier Club was gelegd, was het verder aan hen om afspraken te maken.
Cor Aerssens, boekband voor Artists & Others (2016) |
De opdracht luidde:
‘Every year the Grolier Club holds a small auction at the close of its
Annual Meeting in late January. This year we’d like to auction some
specially-bound copies of Grolier Club publications produced in this past year,
and even though Artists & Others
is not strictly a Grolier Club publication, we’d like include it, if possible. I realize that this is very short notice, but I wonder if you could
approach a talented local crafts-person about producing a binding in time for
this event, which falls on January 26, 2017. We would like two bindings,
similar but not necessarily identical (we leave that up to the binder). The
copy destined for auction is time sensitive, since it must be in New York by
January 26; the other, destined for the Grolier Club Library, can arrive at any
reasonable time afterwards.'
Wat de band aanging, de binder werd
geheel vrij gelaten:
‘We always leave
the treatment entirely up to the binder, but given the subject of the book, I
think an artist with a contemporary/modernist/non-traditional approach would be
best. Full leather isn't necessary; but a striking design (in whatever
material) does best in the circus-like atmosphere of these auctions.’
Cor Aerssens, boekband voor Artists & Others (2016) |
Cor Aerssens, schets voor boekband voor Artists & Others (2016) |
'The auction on 26 January was a great success, and the woman who won the copy of Artists & Others is very pleased with your most interesting and unusual treatment. Thank you again for doing such a great job on such short notice!'
Het compliment aan de binder was volkomen terecht, zie de foto's van de exemplaren die hij tegelijk en op tijd afleverde.